Affordable Dental Implants

How much does a dental implant cost for one tooth? How much does it cost to have full dental implants?

Implants costs vary from person to person and from region to region because everyone’s requests and mouth structure is different, but implant prices in Turkey, prices are very reasonable when we make a comparison with countries in Europe and other continents. Abroad, prices for dental implants are still highly variable. Part of the reason is because some clinics offer full cure or some just to place the Implant itself. In the UK, the average price of implants is around £ 2,600. However, implant costs in Turkey are around £ 600.

Cheapest Country for All on 4 Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants tends to compare much better than other treatment options because a dental implant treatment lasts longer than other treatments. Importantly, you should choose an experienced, certified dentist for your implant treatment in order to make a good investment on your dental health and a good result. Other dental treatment options may appear to have a lower upfront cost, but you will continue to pay that cost over and over again and will eventually become more expensive. Your Dentist Travel Turkey specialist will give you the best price in Turkey, after you contact us.

How long do tooth implants last?

Unlike other dental treatment options, technicians produce dental implants depending on your teeth and mouth measures, so they look natural. If you apply the proper care for your teeth, they tend to last lifetime but if you do not take care of your teeth (smoking, eating habits, oral hygiene etc.), they will not stand for long time.


Full teeth replacement

How painful is getting a dental implant? Do dental implants hurt?

Implant dental treatments are a safe and peaceful application if an expert team perform in a fully sterile environment.

One leg of implant dental treatments constitutes the surgical procedure, while the other is the prosthesis process. For this reason, it is very important that the prosthesis specialist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon work in harmony with each other.

You will get local anesthesia at the time of the procedure, so you will not feel anything.

What hurts more tooth extraction or implant?

Pressure and discomfort after surgery are normally like the side effects that patients encounter after other traditional dental operations, such as tooth extraction, among most persons. Since dentists make incisions in the gum, there may be minor bleeding in a patient. The patient can also experience mild discomfort when the sedation/anaesthesia wears off, but they can typically counteract using pain killers such as Aspirin or Paracetamol that are over the counter.

Are you put to sleep for dental implants?

To be relaxed, they do not need full sedation for treatment. There would be a sort of anaesthesia or sedation in dental implant surgery, but the duration of this sedation is completely up to you and your comfort levels.

Can dentists place dental implants in one day?

All on four is the placement of 4-6 implants in the anterior region, which is generally not a problem at the bone level, in the entire jaw tooth deficiency, and a temporary prosthetic tooth is placed in the same day or within a few days. We offer you this option of dental treatment with the best implant brands in the world which are Straumann and Osstem. While you are having your dental holiday in Turkey, you will get your best dental treatment. You can contact us for more information or initial consultation.