Sensitive Teeth Treatment

Sensitive Teeth Causes

Certain things, such as brushing, eating and drinking, can cause intense, temporary pain in your teeth when you have sensitive teeth. Typically, sensitive teeth are the product of deteriorated tooth enamel or exposed roots of the tooth. However, other variables cause often tooth pain, such as a hole, a broken or chipped tooth, a worn lining, or gum disease.

If you skip on hot or cold drinks because you know they can hurt your teeth, it might be time to explore the fact with your dentist in Turkey that you have sensitive teeth.
Even other things, like sweet and sour sweets or even cool weather, will aggravate them too.

It helps to realize what could be behind them to be able to handle these tooth twinges. Once you pin down the trigger, you will find a solution.

Sensitive Teeth Symptoms

That’s a heavy, defensive coating that makes your teeth cope with everything you bring through them. When it’s gone, there are exposed nerve endings that inflict discomfort.
If you have sensitive teeth, some of the enamel may have worn down.
To avoid the damage or to place the brakes on it:

Don’t clean too heavily:

Maybe you’re taking more than just a plaque down. Right at the gum line, side-to-side brushing will make the enamel go away quicker. You should use a soft bristle brush and work to keep your enamel clean and solid at a 45-degree angle to your gum.

Stop foods and beverages that are acidic:

Soda, sticky fruit, high-sugar sugars — enamel targets all of these sweets. Snack on instead:
Fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, Plain Cheese, Milk, Yogurt.
These can moisten your mouth and help fight your teeth against acid and bacteria that will chew away. The way the mouth interacts with them is with saliva.
It is also possible to drink green or black tea or chew sugarless gum. Do not rush to clean if you eat anything acidic. Wait an hour or two to strengthen before scrubbing.

Get your teeth unclenched:

Over time, grinding the teeth tears away the enamel. Discussing your tension can often prevent the issue. Your expert dentist in Turkey, will equip you with a splint or a mouth guard if it doesn’t work.
You may require dental surgery to alter the location of your teeth or a muscle relaxant if the issue is serious.

Take a rest from getting bleached:

The hunt for pearly whites may trigger your suffering. Thankfully, bleaching sensitivity is usually transient. Speak to the dentist about how you could be affected by the procedure and whether you can continue it.
Occasionally, tooth irritation may be a symptom of other problems, such as: Naturally shrinking gums, gum disease or a cracked tooth or filling.


Treatment of Tooth Sensitivity

There are things your dentist in Turkey can use to help relieve the pain once you’ve discovered the problem, including:
Toothpaste for teeth that are sensitive
Gel fluoride
Fillings that protect roots that are uncovered
The Sealants
You can receive desensitizing pastes from your dentist
Mouthguard to shield the teeth while grinding
As a consequence of tooth discomfort, it is also necessary not to shy away from dental treatment. It will make things harder to ignore your teeth. Twice a day, wash and floss to help keep your smile bright and free of pain.

You can have your dental travel in Turkey while you get your teeth done. Turkey will offer you the best holiday, especially Kusadasi which is the best holiday destination. We will arrange everything for you, when you get your first consultation.