How is Bruxism Diagnosed?

Your dentist or people around you can diagnose your Bruxism. The symptoms your dentist may see include:

The contact points on the teeth are flattened and the enamel is worn

Cracked or broken teeth

Increased tooth sensitivity

Damage to crown and bridge prostheses

Joint or headache

Tension and fatigue in the jaw muscles

Erosion or roughness of cheek inner surfaces

How Does Teeth Grinding Get Away?

BRUXISM (TEETH GRINDING): TREATMENT PictureClenching teeth: It is a disease that can be due to many factors and it is very important to know the reason for tooth grinding. The treatment that your dentist will apply will be for your teeth to be clenched, but the most effective treatment of bruxism is to identify and eliminate the causative agent.

Stress and behavioural disorders therapy - If you have an anxiety disorder or an aggressive personality, eliminating or reducing this situation with psychological treatment and antidepressant drugs suitable for psychotherapy will be the first step of bruxism treatment.

Night plaque or splint treatment - Many dentists will prepare a special plaque / splint. Its name is bruxism mouthguard for teeth grinding problems and will ask you to put it in your mouth at night. These plaques that you will wear at night will prevent your teeth from contacting each other and it will eliminate the side effects. However, you should remember that you will continue to tighten your teeth with this splint.

Dental treatments - In some cases, rearrangement of the closing relationship of the teeth can eliminate jaw joint pain. To apply this treatment, your dentist can use T-scan technology to diagnose your ideal bite and incompatibilities. In addition, restoration of worn teeth with crown coating can help to eliminate sensitivity problems and aesthetic problems. Please contact us if you want to get braces from experts in Turkey.

Medications - Bruxism can rarely be relieved with medication, but in some cases, muscle relaxants and Botox are used in the treatment of teeth grinding.

Bruxism Exercises

You can apply the following exercises to aid in the treatment of teeth grinding:

Put your tongue behind the upper front teeth:

Bring your tongue tip to the exact junction of the upper palate and front teeth and make a “nnnnnnnn” sound by applying force to your tongue towards the palate. This method, which can prevent the habit of teeth grinding while you are awake, prevents the jaws from jamming. The more often you repeat it, the more useful it will be for you.

Stretch Frequently:

Just as we relax the patients by doing stretching exercises after exercising, stretching during bruxism exercises relaxes the jaw muscles and helps to reduce your pain. You can do the stretch 10 times in a row.

Massage with warm water:

Make circular massages on both corners of your chin with your fingertip from the outside. Repeat this method, which is useful in reducing nodules between muscles, every time you take a shower.

Do shoulder exercises:

Complete a circular motion by rotating your shoulder upwards and then backwards. The slacker your shoulders are, the less prone you will be to gnash. Do this exercise, which you can do while sitting or standing, until your shoulders relax, and you feel relaxed.

Do neck exercises:

With your head straight; Lean towards your chest by counting slowly from your inside and when you reach 10, your chin changes to your chest. Do the opposite of the same movement by counting to 10 and return your head to its normal position. Closing your eyes and focusing on relaxation by relieving tension will help you relax.

Yoga and meditation:

Since the main source of tooth tightening is stress, practices that will increase your peace of mind and reduce your stress have a very important effect in the treatment of the disease.